Established in 2014, the Traverse City Arts Commission is the city agency that champions the arts.
To advise the City Commission on matters pertaining to the arts programs within the city including review of requests for support, monetary or otherwise, submitted to the City; advise on the priority of such requests for or donations and placement of Public Art. The Arts Commission shall be responsible for promoting arts in the community, to include, but not be limited to: dissemination of knowledge with regard to arts; recognizing local artists and their work when appropriate; and cooperation with metropolitan agencies also dealing in the arts.
Guiding Principles
The activities and decision-making of the City of Traverse City’s Public Art Program will be guided by the following principles and goals.
Inclusivity: Actively seek ideas and participation from all segments of the community, encouraging dialogue and working in partnership with artists, architects, engineers, designers, planners, local businesses, creative profes- sionals, and arts organizations.
Diversity: Provide opportunities for artists of all racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, disabilities, and other diverse groups.
Geography: Work collaboratively to provide arts experiences in all parts of Traverse City, prioritizing places where the greatest number of people gather, responsive to Traverse City’s established community planning and urban design strategies.
Aesthetic Excellence: Strive for artistic excellence in artwork and art experiences that enhance the urban environment and public spaces through-out the City.
Placemaking: Support public art that is a force for expressing and evoking connections among people and places that are meaningful to community and civic life by creating places within community spaces and prioritizing highly visible locations that are accessible to everyone.
Innovation: Explore new approaches to public arts activities to engage citizens of all ages, and include works of art representing a broad variety of media, styles, and community interests.
Feasibility: Prioritize projects that have a high likelihood of success, including those with adequate time and funding necessary to complete the project, ensure site control, and garner support from partners and the community.
Education: Promote understanding and recognition of public art as one of our great civic resources, and educate the community about the creation, mission, and benefits of public art for enhancing the quality of life and the economic vitality of our community.
Development: Explore all funding options and seek diverse, reliable, and stable funding for public art.
Planning: Encourage consideration of artistic components for new projects and developments under consideration by the City, from new community facilities to major private projects to public–private endeavors.
Preservation: Administer, document, maintain, and conserve works of art in the public art collection.