The Traverse City Arts Commission was established in 2014 to facilitate a robust Public Art Program dedicated to developing and preserving public access to the arts by placing arts throughout the community. Our mission is to advance public art and enrich the cultural and aesthetic quality of life in Traverse City. Established by ordinance, the Arts Commission is responsible for the administration and overall management of the Public Art Program in coordination with city staff, including implementation of calls for proposals and artists, donation of and requests for art and funding, relationships with artists and funders, supervision of art fabrication and installation, signage, dedications, fundraising, documentation of artwork in the Public Art Program, and community education and awareness. The Arts Commission consists of four community members appointed by the City Commission, one appointed by the City Manager, one representative from the City Commission and one representative from the Downtown Development Authority

The Traverse City Arts Commission’s Paint It Forward mini-grant program is intended to help community organizations create public art in Traverse City. The Arts Commission Paint It Forward mini-grant program is funded from a portion of the city’s General Fund, allocated to the Arts Commission by the City Commission each year. The total amount of grants we award annually is up to $3,000. Grants are awarded on a rolling basis, until grant funds are expended each fiscal year (July 1st – June 30th). Each grant is awarded as a reimbursement and will only be awarded if the requirements of the Financial and Final Report are adequately satisfied. The Arts Commission will use discretion to make modest and meaningful gifts. Each application will be evaluated on its merit and prudent use of funds. All funds must be used on projects within the City of Traverse City limits. Funds may also be used for operational costs. Please note: final approval of grant funds is approved by the City Commission.

Eligible applicants for Paint It Forward grants include:

Michigan-based non-profit groups to serve or have projects within the City of Traverse City.

Examples of projects we might consider funding include:

·     Purchase of art or portions of art that contribute to a larger installation

·     Artist fees

·     Fabrication, materials and other costs associated with installation  

·     Signage and other promotions

Ineligible activities:

·     Support for a political candidate or party

·     Advocacy work

·     Work that has already been completed

Application and Award Process

Applicants must complete this grant application form and send it to Harry Burkholder by email at: All grants must be for a single project or program. Repeat requests will be considered on their individual merits. Decisions will be made by the Arts Commission.


The Arts Commission will review Paint It Forward grant applications. A notification letter will be sent to all successful applicants within 60 days of approval. Any requested changes in the project after funding is awarded must be addressed and approved by the Arts Commission.

Payment Process

All grantees that receive an award must complete the Arts Commission’s financial report form.

Awardees must also submit a resolution of support from their governing body with the Final Report. Noncompliance with the terms of payment process and grant will render grantee ineligible to receive funds and ineligible for future Arts Commission Paint It Forward grants. All requests for funds must be submitted no later than one month after the project has been completed. Grant funds must be used within twelve months after the grant is awarded. Any publicity for grant events or projects should include a mention of the Traverse City Arts Commission per the communication conditions provided in the grant award letter.